As another example of how Measure I funds will be used to serve Alameda’s one percent, notice how the measure commits no funding to the Woodstock Child Development Center.
According to the Woodstock Child Development Center website, “Child Protective Services and Families who fall under the McKinney-Vento guidelines shall be admitted first. Within this priority, children receiving protective services through the county welfare department shall be admitted first.”
The McKinney-Vento reference is a reference to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, which is federal law that ensures educational enrollment and stability for homeless children and youth.
The school district, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that the Woodstock Child Development Center facility deserves no funds, and is in need of no improvements, so that the schools in the wealthy neighborhoods of Alameda will have more funding.
Read the measure.
This is a just another reason to Vote No on Measure I.